September Friendlies | Summer Transfers Review

The boys review Iran's successful friendly in Bulgaria, preview Tuesday's home match against Angola, and discuss what went right and wrong with Iranian legionnaires in Europe during this summer's transfer window. A deep dive into all of this and much more, hope you enjoy!

Pezhman Pars
— @IranskfotbollTweets and writes articles in Swedish about Iranian football on
Based in Sweden

Samson Tamijani
— @GolBezanSamsonPodcast and article editor. TV news reporter, native of Houston. University of Arkansas Journalism School alumnus. Former ESPN Houston intern.
Based in U.S.A.

Daniel Kayal
— @KayalDanielFootball crazy. Follows Team Melli and its legionnaires closely. Management Consultant and Deputy Mayor of Saint-Prix. Joined Gol Bezan in 2021 as a podcast panelist.
Based in France